# Wagmi

If your dApp is using the wagmi library to manage the wallet connection, this guide will explain you how to add Bloom as a suggested wallet.

# wagmi v2

  1. Add the following code block as a bloomWallet.(ts|js) file to your codebase:
import {
} from '@wagmi/core'
import type { Evaluate, Omit } from '@wagmi/core/internal'
import { EthereumProvider } from '@walletconnect/ethereum-provider'
import {
  type Address,
  type ProviderConnectInfo,
  type ProviderRpcError,
} from 'viem'

type EthereumProviderOptions = Parameters<typeof EthereumProvider['init']>[0]

export type WalletConnectParameters = Evaluate<
    | 'chains'
    | 'events'
    | 'optionalChains'
    | 'optionalEvents'
    | 'optionalMethods'
    | 'methods'
    | 'rpcMap'
    | 'showQrModal'

bloomWallet.type = 'bloomWallet' as const
export function bloomWallet(parameters: WalletConnectParameters) {

  type Provider = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof EthereumProvider['init']>>
  type NamespaceMethods =
    | 'wallet_addEthereumChain'
    | 'wallet_switchEthereumChain'
  type Properties = {
    connect(parameters?: { chainId?: number; pairingTopic?: string }): Promise<{
      accounts: readonly Address[]
      chainId: number
    getNamespaceChainsIds(): number[]
    getNamespaceMethods(): NamespaceMethods[]
    getRequestedChainsIds(): Promise<number[]>
    isChainsStale(): Promise<boolean>
    onConnect(connectInfo: ProviderConnectInfo): void
    onDisplayUri(uri: string): void
    onSessionDelete(data: { topic: string }): void
    setRequestedChainsIds(chains: number[]): void
    requestedChainsStorageKey: `${string}.requestedChains`
  type StorageItem = {
    [_ in Properties['requestedChainsStorageKey']]: number[]

  let provider_: Provider | undefined
  let providerPromise: Promise<typeof provider_>
  const NAMESPACE = 'eip155'

  return createConnector<Provider, Properties, StorageItem>((config) => ({
    id: 'bloomWallet',
    name: 'bloomWallet',
    type: bloomWallet.type,
    async setup() {
      const provider = await this.getProvider().catch(() => null)
      if (!provider) return
      provider.on('connect', this.onConnect.bind(this))
      provider.on('session_delete', this.onSessionDelete.bind(this))
    async connect({ chainId, ...rest } = {}) {
      try {
        const provider = await this.getProvider()
        if (!provider) throw new ProviderNotFoundError()
        provider.on('display_uri', this.onDisplayUri)

        let targetChainId = chainId
        if (!targetChainId) {
          const state = (await config.storage?.getItem('state')) ?? {}
          const isChainSupported = config.chains.some(
            (x) => x.id === state.chainId,
          if (isChainSupported) targetChainId = state.chainId
          else targetChainId = config.chains[0]?.id
        if (!targetChainId) throw new Error('No chains found on connector.')

        const isChainsStale = await this.isChainsStale()
        // If there is an active session with stale chains, disconnect current session.
        if (provider.session && isChainsStale) await provider.disconnect()

        // If there isn't an active session or chains are stale, connect.
        if (!provider.session || isChainsStale) {
          const optionalChains = config.chains
            .filter((chain) => chain.id !== targetChainId)
            .map((optionalChain) => optionalChain.id)
          await provider.connect({
            optionalChains: [targetChainId, ...optionalChains],
            ...('pairingTopic' in rest
              ? { pairingTopic: rest.pairingTopic }
              : {}),

          this.setRequestedChainsIds(config.chains.map((x) => x.id))

        // If session exists and chains are authorized, enable provider for required chain
        const accounts = (await provider.enable()).map((x) => getAddress(x))
        const currentChainId = await this.getChainId()

        provider.removeListener('display_uri', this.onDisplayUri)
        provider.removeListener('connect', this.onConnect.bind(this))
        provider.on('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged.bind(this))
        provider.on('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged)
        provider.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect.bind(this))
        provider.on('session_delete', this.onSessionDelete.bind(this))

        return { accounts, chainId: currentChainId }
      } catch (error) {
        if (
          /(user rejected|connection request reset)/i.test(
            (error as ProviderRpcError)?.message,
        ) {
          throw new UserRejectedRequestError(error as Error)
        throw error
    async disconnect() {
      const provider = await this.getProvider()
      try {
        await provider?.disconnect()
      } catch (error) {
        if (!/No matching key/i.test((error as Error).message)) throw error
      } finally {
        provider?.removeListener('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged)
        provider?.removeListener('disconnect', this.onDisconnect.bind(this))
        provider?.on('connect', this.onConnect.bind(this))

    async getAccounts() {
      const provider = await this.getProvider()
      return provider.accounts.map((x) => getAddress(x))
    async getProvider({ chainId } = {}) {
      async function initProvider() {
        const optionalChains = config.chains.map((x) => x.id) as [number]
        if (!optionalChains.length) return
        return await EthereumProvider.init({
          disableProviderPing: true,
          projectId: parameters.projectId,
          rpcMap: Object.fromEntries(
            config.chains.map((chain) => [
          showQrModal: false,

      if (!provider_) {
        if (!providerPromise) providerPromise = initProvider()
        provider_ = await providerPromise
      if (chainId) await this.switchChain?.({ chainId })
      return provider_!
    async getChainId() {
      const provider = await this.getProvider()
      return provider.chainId
    async isAuthorized() {
      try {
        const [accounts, provider] = await Promise.all([

        // If an account does not exist on the session, then the connector is unauthorized.
        if (!accounts.length) return false

        // If the chains are stale on the session, then the connector is unauthorized.
        const isChainsStale = await this.isChainsStale()
        if (isChainsStale && provider.session) {
          await provider.disconnect().catch(() => {})
          return false
        return true
      } catch {
        return false
    async switchChain({ chainId }) {
      const chain = config.chains.find((chain) => chain.id === chainId)
      if (!chain) throw new SwitchChainError(new ChainNotConfiguredError())

      try {
        const provider = await this.getProvider()
        const namespaceChains = this.getNamespaceChainsIds()
        const namespaceMethods = this.getNamespaceMethods()
        const isChainApproved = namespaceChains.includes(chainId)

        if (
          !isChainApproved &&
        ) {
          await provider.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [
                chainId: numberToHex(chain.id),
                blockExplorerUrls: [chain.blockExplorers?.default.url],
                chainName: chain.name,
                nativeCurrency: chain.nativeCurrency,
                rpcUrls: [...chain.rpcUrls.default.http],
          const requestedChains = await this.getRequestedChainsIds()
          this.setRequestedChainsIds([...requestedChains, chainId])

        await provider.request({
          method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
          params: [{ chainId: numberToHex(chainId) }],
        return chain
      } catch (error) {
        const message =
          typeof error === 'string'
            ? error
            : (error as ProviderRpcError)?.message
        if (/user rejected request/i.test(message))
          throw new UserRejectedRequestError(error as Error)
        throw new SwitchChainError(error as Error)
    onAccountsChanged(accounts) {
      if (accounts.length === 0) this.onDisconnect()
        config.emitter.emit('change', {
          accounts: accounts.map((x) => getAddress(x)),
    onChainChanged(chain) {
      const chainId = normalizeChainId(chain)
      config.emitter.emit('change', { chainId })
    async onConnect(connectInfo) {
      const chainId = normalizeChainId(connectInfo.chainId)
      const accounts = await this.getAccounts()
      config.emitter.emit('connect', { accounts, chainId })
    async onDisconnect(_error) {

      const provider = await this.getProvider()
      provider.removeListener('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged)
      provider.removeListener('disconnect', this.onDisconnect.bind(this))
      provider.removeListener('session_delete', this.onSessionDelete.bind(this))
      provider.on('connect', this.onConnect.bind(this))
    onDisplayUri(uri) {
      const deeplink = `bloom://wallet-connect/connect?uri=${encodeURIComponent(

      const isSafari = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Version\/([0-9._]+).*Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent)
      window.open(deeplink, isSafari ? '_blank' : '_self');
    onSessionDelete() {
    getNamespaceChainsIds() {
      if (!provider_) return []
      const chainIds = provider_.session?.namespaces[NAMESPACE]?.chains?.map(
        (chain) => parseInt(chain.split(':')[1] || ''),
      return chainIds ?? []
    getNamespaceMethods() {
      if (!provider_) return []
      const methods = provider_.session?.namespaces[NAMESPACE]
        ?.methods as NamespaceMethods[]
      return methods ?? []
    async getRequestedChainsIds() {
      return (
        (await config.storage?.getItem(this.requestedChainsStorageKey)) ?? []
     * Checks if the target chains match the chains that were
     * initially requested by the connector for the WalletConnect session.
     * If there is a mismatch, this means that the chains on the connector
     * are considered stale, and need to be revalidated at a later point (via
     * connection).
     * There may be a scenario where a dapp adds a chain to the
     * connector later on, however, this chain will not have been approved or rejected
     * by the wallet. In this case, the chain is considered stale.
     * There are exceptions however:
     * -  If the wallet supports dynamic chain addition via `eth_addEthereumChain`,
     *    then the chain is not considered stale.
     * For the above cases, chain validation occurs dynamically when the user
     * attempts to switch chain.
     * Also check that dapp supports at least 1 chain from previously approved session.
    async isChainsStale() {
      const namespaceMethods = this.getNamespaceMethods()
      if (namespaceMethods.includes('wallet_addEthereumChain')) return false

      const connectorChains = config.chains.map((x) => x.id)
      const namespaceChains = this.getNamespaceChainsIds()
      if (
        namespaceChains.length &&
        !namespaceChains.some((id) => connectorChains.includes(id))
        return false

      const requestedChains = await this.getRequestedChainsIds()
      return !connectorChains.every((id) => requestedChains.includes(id))
    async setRequestedChainsIds(chains) {
      await config.storage?.setItem(this.requestedChainsStorageKey, chains)
    get requestedChainsStorageKey() {
      return `${this.id}.requestedChains` as Properties['requestedChainsStorageKey']

export async function getWalletConnectUri(provider): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve) => provider.once('display_uri', resolve))

  1. Import the connector and add it as a connector to your wagmi config:
const config = createConfig({
    connectors: [
      bloomWallet({ projectId: process.env.WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID }),

# wagmi v1

  1. Add the following code block as a bloomWallet.(ts|js) file to your codebase:
import type WalletConnectProvider from '@walletconnect/ethereum-provider'
import { EthereumProviderOptions } from '@walletconnect/ethereum-provider/dist/types/EthereumProvider'
import { normalizeNamespaces } from '@walletconnect/utils'
import {
} from 'viem'
import type { Chain } from 'viem/chains'
import { Connector, ConnectorData, WalletClient } from 'wagmi'

type WalletConnectOptions = {
   * WalletConnect Cloud Project ID.
   * @link https://cloud.walletconnect.com/sign-in.
  projectId: EthereumProviderOptions['projectId']
   * Metadata for your app.
   * @link https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/advanced/providers/ethereum#initialization
  metadata?: EthereumProviderOptions['metadata']
   * Options of QR code modal.
   * @link https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/advanced/walletconnectmodal/options
  qrModalOptions?: EthereumProviderOptions['qrModalOptions']
   * Option to override default relay url.
   * @link https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/advanced/providers/ethereum
  relayUrl?: string

type ConnectConfig = {
  /** Target chain to connect to. */
  chainId?: number
  /** If provided, will attempt to connect to an existing pairing. */
  pairingTopic?: string

const NAMESPACE = 'eip155'
const STORE_KEY = 'store'
const REQUESTED_CHAINS_KEY = 'requestedChains'
const ADD_ETH_CHAIN_METHOD = 'wallet_addEthereumChain'

export class BloomConnector extends Connector<
> {
  readonly id = 'bloomWallet'
  readonly name = 'bloomWallet'
  readonly ready = true

  #provider?: WalletConnectProvider
  #initProviderPromise?: Promise<void>

  constructor(config: { chains?: Chain[]; options: WalletConnectOptions }) {
    super({ ...config })

  async connect({ chainId, pairingTopic }: ConnectConfig = {}) {
    try {
      let targetChainId = chainId
      if (!targetChainId) {
        const store = this.storage?.getItem<{
            state: { data?: ConnectorData }
        const lastUsedChainId = store?.state?.data?.chain?.id
        if (lastUsedChainId && !this.isChainUnsupported(lastUsedChainId))
          targetChainId = lastUsedChainId
        else targetChainId = this.chains[0]?.id
      if (!targetChainId) throw new Error('No chains found on connector.')

      const provider = await this.getProvider()

      const isChainsStale = this.#isChainsStale()

      // If there is an active session with stale chains, disconnect the current session.
      if (provider.session && isChainsStale) await provider.disconnect()

      // If there no active session, or the chains are stale, connect.
      if (!provider.session || isChainsStale) {
        const optionalChains = this.chains
          .filter((chain) => chain.id !== targetChainId)
          .map((optionalChain) => optionalChain.id)

        this.emit('message', { type: 'connecting' })

        await provider.connect({
          optionalChains: [targetChainId, ...optionalChains],

        this.#setRequestedChainsIds(this.chains.map(({ id }) => id))

      // If session exists and chains are authorized, enable provider for required chain
      const accounts = await provider.enable()
      const account = getAddress(accounts[0]!)
      const id = await this.getChainId()
      const unsupported = this.isChainUnsupported(id)

      return {
        chain: { id, unsupported },
    } catch (error) {
      if (/user rejected/i.test((error as ProviderRpcError)?.message)) {
        throw new UserRejectedRequestError(error as Error)
      throw error

  async disconnect() {
    const provider = await this.getProvider()
    try {
      await provider.disconnect()
    } catch (error) {
      if (!/No matching key/i.test((error as Error).message)) throw error
    } finally {

  async getAccount() {
    const { accounts } = await this.getProvider()
    return getAddress(accounts[0]!)

  async getChainId() {
    const { chainId } = await this.getProvider()
    return chainId

  async getProvider({ chainId }: { chainId?: number } = {}) {
    if (!this.#provider) await this.#createProvider()
    if (chainId) await this.switchChain(chainId)
    return this.#provider!

  async getWalletClient({
  }: { chainId?: number } = {}): Promise<WalletClient> {
    const [provider, account] = await Promise.all([
      this.getProvider({ chainId }),
    const chain = this.chains.find((x) => x.id === chainId)
    if (!provider) throw new Error('provider is required.')
    return createWalletClient({
      transport: custom(provider),

  async isAuthorized() {
    try {
      const [account, provider] = await Promise.all([
      const isChainsStale = this.#isChainsStale()

      // If an account does not exist on the session, then the connector is unauthorized.
      if (!account) return false

      // If the chains are stale on the session, then the connector is unauthorized.
      if (isChainsStale && provider.session) {
        try {
          await provider.disconnect()
        } catch {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty
        return false

      return true
    } catch {
      return false

  async switchChain(chainId: number) {
    const chain = this.chains.find((chain) => chain.id === chainId)
    if (!chain)
      throw new SwitchChainError(new Error('chain not found on connector.'))

    try {
      const provider = await this.getProvider()
      const namespaceChains = this.#getNamespaceChainsIds()
      const namespaceMethods = this.#getNamespaceMethods()
      const isChainApproved = namespaceChains.includes(chainId)

      if (!isChainApproved && namespaceMethods.includes(ADD_ETH_CHAIN_METHOD)) {
        await provider.request({
          method: ADD_ETH_CHAIN_METHOD,
          params: [
              chainId: numberToHex(chain.id),
              blockExplorerUrls: [chain.blockExplorers?.default?.url],
              chainName: chain.name,
              nativeCurrency: chain.nativeCurrency,
              rpcUrls: [...chain.rpcUrls.default.http],
        const requestedChains = this.#getRequestedChainsIds()
      await provider.request({
        method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
        params: [{ chainId: numberToHex(chainId) }],

      return chain
    } catch (error) {
      const message =
        typeof error === 'string' ? error : (error as ProviderRpcError)?.message
      if (/user rejected request/i.test(message)) {
        throw new UserRejectedRequestError(error as Error)
      throw new SwitchChainError(error as Error)

  async #createProvider() {
    if (!this.#initProviderPromise && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      this.#initProviderPromise = this.#initProvider()
    return this.#initProviderPromise

  async #initProvider() {
    const { EthereumProvider } = await import(
    const optionalChains = this.chains.map(({ id }) => id) as [number]
    if (optionalChains.length) {
      const {
      } = this.options
      this.#provider = await EthereumProvider.init({
        showQrModal: false,
        rpcMap: Object.fromEntries(
          this.chains.map((chain) => [

   * Checks if the target chains match the chains that were
   * initially requested by the connector for the WalletConnect session.
   * If there is a mismatch, this means that the chains on the connector
   * are considered stale, and need to be revalidated at a later point (via
   * connection).
   * There may be a scenario where a dapp adds a chain to the
   * connector later on, however, this chain will not have been approved or rejected
   * by the wallet. In this case, the chain is considered stale.
   * There are exceptions however:
   * -  If the wallet supports dynamic chain addition via `eth_addEthereumChain`,
   *    then the chain is not considered stale.
   * For the above cases, chain validation occurs dynamically when the user
   * attempts to switch chain.
   * Also check that dapp supports at least 1 chain from previously approved session.
  #isChainsStale() {
    const namespaceMethods = this.#getNamespaceMethods()
    if (namespaceMethods.includes(ADD_ETH_CHAIN_METHOD)) return false

    const requestedChains = this.#getRequestedChainsIds()
    const connectorChains = this.chains.map(({ id }) => id)
    const namespaceChains = this.#getNamespaceChainsIds()

    if (
      namespaceChains.length &&
      !namespaceChains.some((id) => connectorChains.includes(id))
      return false

    return !connectorChains.every((id) => requestedChains.includes(id))

  #setupListeners() {
    if (!this.#provider) return
    this.#provider.on('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged)
    this.#provider.on('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged)
    this.#provider.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect)
    this.#provider.on('session_delete', this.onDisconnect)
    this.#provider.on('display_uri', this.onDisplayUri)
    this.#provider.on('connect', this.onConnect)

  #removeListeners() {
    if (!this.#provider) return
    this.#provider.removeListener('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged)
    this.#provider.removeListener('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged)
    this.#provider.removeListener('disconnect', this.onDisconnect)
    this.#provider.removeListener('session_delete', this.onDisconnect)
    this.#provider.removeListener('display_uri', this.onDisplayUri)
    this.#provider.removeListener('connect', this.onConnect)

  #setRequestedChainsIds(chains: number[]) {
    this.storage?.setItem(REQUESTED_CHAINS_KEY, chains)

  #getRequestedChainsIds(): number[] {
    return this.storage?.getItem(REQUESTED_CHAINS_KEY) ?? []

  #getNamespaceChainsIds() {
    if (!this.#provider) return []
    const namespaces = this.#provider.session?.namespaces
    if (!namespaces) return []

    const normalizedNamespaces = normalizeNamespaces(namespaces)
    const chainIds = normalizedNamespaces[NAMESPACE]?.chains?.map((chain) =>
      parseInt(chain.split(':')[1] || ''),

    return chainIds ?? []

  #getNamespaceMethods() {
    if (!this.#provider) return []
    const namespaces = this.#provider.session?.namespaces
    if (!namespaces) return []

    const normalizedNamespaces = normalizeNamespaces(namespaces)
    const methods = normalizedNamespaces[NAMESPACE]?.methods

    return methods ?? []

  protected onAccountsChanged = (accounts: string[]) => {
    if (accounts.length === 0) this.emit('disconnect')
    else this.emit('change', { account: getAddress(accounts[0]!) })

  protected onChainChanged = (chainId: number | string) => {
    const id = Number(chainId)
    const unsupported = this.isChainUnsupported(id)
    this.emit('change', { chain: { id, unsupported } })

  protected onDisconnect = () => {

  protected onDisplayUri = (uri: string) => {
    const deeplink = `bloom://wallet-connect/connect?uri=${encodeURIComponent(

    const isSafari = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Version\/([0-9._]+).*Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent)
    window.open(deeplink, isSafari ? '_blank' : '_self');

  protected onConnect = () => {
    this.emit('connect', {})

  1. Import the connector and add it as a connector to your wagmi config:
const config = createConfig({
  connectors: [
    new BloomConnector({
        options: {
          projectId: process.env.WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID ?? '',